

  • Editor in Chief Editor in Chief


Foreword, ABAC Journal, Vol.37, No. 2, July-December, 2017


As an eventful year ends, it is natural to reflect on what has been done and what is planned for the future. This passing year we have been gratified to have been sent a constant stream of work for consideration from authors seeking to publish in the ABAC Journal. We are pleased
to have been granted funds from NRCT (the National Research Council of Thailand) to support a joint publication ABAC/NRCT due in January of 2018 and pleased also to have enjoyed continuing support from TCI and our Editorial Board.

The priority for the coming year is to move the ABAC Journal into SCOPUS, an international database, with guidance and assistance from TCI. The move will bring renewed focus on language, and increased international exposure for our authors.

With the Royal cremation on the 26th of November Thai people marked the end of an era but the late King Bhumibol remains in our hearts as we resolve to work together to sustain an uncertain future. We recognize anew the importance of his philosophy of sustainability, expressed
as the principle of the self-sufficient economy with a call for papers reflecting the Buddhist principle of the Middle Way.

We publish the December Edition with eight papers representing diverse interests.


