A Study of Parents’ Satisfaction towards Chinese Subjects in Nantawan International School, Thailand


  • Rong Rong Liu M.Ed. Candidate in Educational Administration, Graduate School of Education, Assumption University, Thailand.
  • Yan Ye Ph.D., Director of Educational Research, Statistics and Measurement Center, Graduate School of Education, Assumption University, Thailand.


Parents’ Satisfaction, Chinese subjects, Nantawan International School


This research tried: to identify the demographics of learning Chinese subjects’ students, including their nationality, Grade, parental highest education level and family income; to determine the parents’ satisfaction towards current two Chinese subjects, including learning Chinese as a native language subject and learning Chinese as a second language subject in Nantawan International School; and to compare the parents’ satisfaction between learning Chinese as a native language subject and learning Chinese as a second language subject in Nantawan International School. The examined population comprised of all 105 parents from Grade1-Grade 6 of Nantawan International School. The research was a quantitative research by using a designed questionnaire. The returned valid questionnaires reached 100% and were analyzed by Means, Standard Deviations, Independent samples t-test (two-tailed). The research major findings included: the parents’ satisfaction towards both Chinese subjects in Nantawan International School was regarded as “satisfied”; and there were no significant differences between the parents’ satisfaction of learning Chinese as a native language subject and learning Chinese as a second language subject.


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How to Cite

Liu, R. R., & Ye, Y. (2016). A Study of Parents’ Satisfaction towards Chinese Subjects in Nantawan International School, Thailand. Scholar: Human Sciences, 7(2). Retrieved from http://www.assumptionjournal.au.edu/index.php/Scholar/article/view/1516




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