Factors Impacting Psychological Empowerment and Innovative Work Behavior of Employees at University in Yunnan, China

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Lilan Sun


Purpose: This study aimed to explore the factors influencing psychological empowerment and innovative work behavior of college faculty in Yunnan Province. A conceptual framework was proposed to establish the causal relationship between organizational culture, work engagement, transformational leadership, knowledge sharing, psychological capital, psychological empowerment, and innovative work behavior. Research design, data, and methodology: The sampling method was to select 500 employees from Yunnan University, Southwest Forestry University, and Yunnan University of Finance and Economics in Yunnan, China. A questionnaire adapted from previous studies was used, which was tested for validity and reliability. Hypotheses were tested using CFA and SEM, and the model’s goodness of fit was validated via SEM. Results: The results showed that organizational culture has a significant influence on psychological empowerment. Work engagement, transformational leadership, knowledge sharing, and psychological capital, and psychological empowerment has a significant influence on innovative work behavior. Conclusions: The findings of this study suggest that the six hypotheses were confirmed to meet the research objectives. It was found that a more harmonious cultural environment, a working system that encourages employee participation, transformational leadership, a more congruous atmosphere of knowledge sharing, and the use of employees' psychological capital and empowerment are all associated with an increase in teachers' innovative work behavior.


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How to Cite
Sun, L. (2023). Factors Impacting Psychological Empowerment and Innovative Work Behavior of Employees at University in Yunnan, China. AU-GSB E-JOURNAL, 16(1), 182-192. https://doi.org/10.14456/augsbejr.2023.19
Author Biography

Lilan Sun

Yunnan University of Finance and Economics, China.


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