Factors Influencing Consumer Satisfaction and Use Intention of B2C E-Commerce Platforms on Chengdu, China
Main Article Content
Purpose: This paper aimed to explore the factors influencing the satisfaction and use intention of B2C e-commerce platforms among residents in Chengdu. Research design, data, and methodology: The researcher used a quantitative survey method to conduct the study. The conceptual framework was based on the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). The key variables included service quality, information quality, system quality, perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, use intention, and satisfaction. The validity of the research instrument was assessed by The index of item-objective congruence (IOC), and a pilot test by Cronbach alpha coefficient reliability test. A questionnaire survey was conducted among 500 permanent residents in Chengdu. Additionally, confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling were used as statistical analysis tools to evaluate the data. Results: The analysis revealed that service quality, system quality, and perceived ease of use significantly impacted use intention and satisfaction. System quality and information quality significantly affected perceived usefulness. Satisfaction had a significant effect on the use intention. On the contrary, information quality and perceived usefulness had no significant impact on use intention. Conclusions: The government and companies should facilitate users to use the platform and thus create a good experience so that they would want to use the B2C e-commerce platform for shopping.
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