Factors Impacting Satisfaction and Loyalty of Students: A Case Study of a Public University in Shanxi, China
Main Article Content
Purpose: This study explores the influencing factors of student satisfaction and loyalty among students majoring in natural science at public universities in Shanxi Province. The framework proposes causal relationships among built environment, teaching care, university image, student trust, academic aspects, student satisfaction, and student loyalty. Research Design, Data, and Methods: Researchers used a quantitative method (n=500) to distribute questionnaires to students majoring in science and technology at the Taiyuan Institute of Technology. The researcher used purposive, stratified random and convenience sampling to collect the data. Before data collection, to ensure reliability and validity, the Item Objective Congruence (IOC) and Cronbach's alpha were used to test to ensure the validity of the content. Structural equation modeling (SEM) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) were used to analyze the data, including model fit, reliability, and validity tests. Results: The campus environment has a significant influence on teaching care. The school environment, teaching care, school image, student trust, and academic aspects significantly affect student satisfaction. Conclusion: Seven hypotheses have been proven to meet the research objectives. Therefore, school administrators should maintain a good school environment, improve academic performance, increase teaching care, and establish a good image of the school to enhance students’ satisfaction and loyalty.
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