The Assessment of Attitude and Behavioral Intention of E-Learning Among Art and Design Students of Chengdu Textile College in China

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Hongxia Fu


Purpose: With the pandemic outbreak worldwide, electronic learning has been increasing in higher education. It is critical to survey students’ willingness to utilize e-learning. Thus, the purpose of the research is to study the factors significantly impacting on perceived usefulness, attitude, and behavioral intention of e-learning in college education among art and design significant students at Chengdu Textile College (CTC) of Sichuan Province in China. Research design, data, and methodology: A quantitative approach was applied with 500 samples and distributed questionnaires to target art school students at Chengdu Textile College. The sampling methods for data collection involve judgmental, quota and convenience sampling. The Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and Structural Equation Model (SEM) were applied in statistical analysis, including model fits, validity and reliability of constructs, and hypothesis testing. Results: The results of the study confirm that the causal relationships among self-efficacy, perceived ease of use, social influence, and performance expectancy on perceived usefulness, attitude, and behavioral intention toward e-learning utilization. Conclusion: This study contributes to educators to put forward suggestions for college education management, curriculum designers, and researchers to get better acquainted with e-learning and make active implementation due to students’ higher perceived usefulness and active attitude and willingness of electronic learning utilization.


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How to Cite
Fu, H. (2023). The Assessment of Attitude and Behavioral Intention of E-Learning Among Art and Design Students of Chengdu Textile College in China. AU-GSB E-JOURNAL, 16(1), 57-69.
Author Biography

Hongxia Fu

Art and Design Office, School of Art ,Chengdu Textile College, China.


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