Drivers of Attitudes toward Online Purchase Intention Among Residents of Taiyuan in China

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Haiyan Wu


Purpose: This study aims to investigate the influencing factors of consumers’ attitudes towards online shopping and purchase intention in Taiyuan, Shanxi Province. The conceptual framework proposes the causal relationship between trust, subjective norm, perceived risk, perceived behavioral control, attitudes, and purchase intention. Research design, data, and methodology: The researchers used a quantitative method (n=500) to send questionnaires to consumers about the online shopping experience in Taiyuan, Shanxi Province. A nonprobability sampling includes judgment sampling, quota sampling, and convenient sampling. Structural equation modeling (SEM) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) were used for data analysis, including model fitting, reliability, and validity tests. Results: The results show that trust significantly affects online shopping attitude. Furthermore, perceived risk, perceived behavior control, and attitude have significant effects on purchase intention. The influence of subjective norms on shopping intention is not significant. Attitude has the greatest impact on shopping intention. Conclusion: It is suggested that the managers of online shopping platforms should maintain consumers’ good attitudes toward online shopping, improve the level of trust mechanism, and control risks. the research results will help strategic managers and marketers of online shopping platforms gain better experience and enlightenment in attracting consumers to enhance the development of the online shopping market.


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How to Cite
Wu, H. (2023). Drivers of Attitudes toward Online Purchase Intention Among Residents of Taiyuan in China. AU-GSB E-JOURNAL, 16(1), 28-37.
Author Biography

Haiyan Wu

Department of Economics and Management, Taiyuan Institute of Technology, China


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