Achieving Satisfaction and Loyalty of Teacher Training Major Students in Chuxiong, China
Main Article Content
Purpose: The aim of this study is to investigate the factors influencing the satisfaction and loyalty of teacher training major students in Chuxiong Normal University. The conceptual framework proposes causal relationships among academic aspect, reputation, service quality, facility, student satisfaction and student loyalty. Research design, data and methodology: The researcher used the quantitative method to distribute online questionnaires to 500 students of Chuxiong Normal University. The sampling techniques are judgment sampling, quota sampling, convenience sampling and snowball sampling. Before collecting the data, researcher ensured construct validity by using the index of item-objective congruence (IOC). Then, Cronbach's Alpha reliability test was carried out to validate internal consistency of constructs in the pilot test. The data were analyzed by confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and structural equation modeling (SEM), including goodness of model fit, reliability and validity. Results: The results reveal that reputation, service quality and facility significant affect student satisfaction. Furthermore, student satisfaction has a significant impact on student loyalty. On the other hand, academic aspect has no significant impact on student satisfaction. Conclusions: Academic practitioners and university executives should improve student satisfaction and loyalty by promoting good reputation and evaluating the efficiency of academic program, service and facility.
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