Analysis on Influencing Factors of Art Application Behavior of Comprehensive Materials among Art Undergraduates in Chengdu Colleges

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Xueyong Zhang


Purpose: The study examines the affecting factors of the undergraduate students in art major using comprehensive materials for creation in Chengdu. Perceived Usefulness (PU), Perceived Ease of Use (PEOU), Social Influences (SI), Subjective Norms (SN), Attitude Toward Using (ATU), Behavioral Intention (BI), all these variables have a direct or indirect effect on Behavior. Data and methodology: The determinants of the study are adapted from theory of planned behavior (TPB), technology acceptance model (TAM) and flow theory. This study uses the index of the item-objective congruence (IOC) to measure the validity of content. IOC was evaluated by three experts and analysis based on the item's objective suitability index of the project. Reliability of each measurement item was ensured by conducting a preliminary test. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and the structural equation model (SEM) were used to measure and test the questionnaire data. Results: The results show that PU is the direct factor affects art majors' attitude toward using comprehensive materials, while PEOU has no significant impact on it. Students’ attitude toward using comprehensive materials, SI and SN has been proved to have impact on BI, and behavioral intention directly affects the final behavior. Major findings: The data shows that the artistic creation of comprehensive materials is widely applied in universities. Students' use of comprehensive materials is mainly influenced by the PU of it, and students’ ATU, BI are the biggest factors influencing their final behavior.


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Zhang, X. (2022). Analysis on Influencing Factors of Art Application Behavior of Comprehensive Materials among Art Undergraduates in Chengdu Colleges . AU-GSB E-JOURNAL, 15(2), 139-149.
Author Biography

Xueyong Zhang

Ph.D. Graduate, School of Business and Advanced Technology Management, Assumption University, Bangkok, Thailand.


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