The Role of Distributed Leadership on Knowledge Sharing and Organizational Learning in Higher Education Institutions of Cambodia

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Bonarin Hem


Purpose: This study aims to investigating the role of distributed leadership on knowledge sharing and organizational learning in higher education institutions of Cambodia. Seven variables include empowerment, shared purpose, social support, voice, distributed leadership, knowledge sharing, and organizational learning. Research design, data and methodology: The quantitative method was applied to distributing questionnaire to 600 employees who have been working in ten higher education institutions in Phnom Penh. Item-Objective Congruence (IOC) was used to test the content validity and Cronbach’s Alpha was employed to test reliability before collecting the data. Afterwards, confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was carried out to evaluate the construct validity, including convergent and discriminant validities. Furthermore, structural equation modeling (SEM) was examined to confirm the casual relationship among variables. Results: The findings showed the significant relationships between empowerment, social support and voice on distributed leadership. In addition, distributed leadership significantly impacted knowledge sharing towards organizational learning. Nevertheless, shared purpose had no significant impact on distributed leadership in this study. Conclusions: Academic researchers and decision makers are recommended to further examine the determinants impacting knowledge sharing and organizational learning as well as to promote social support, leadership and voice across organizations to gain competitiveness in education market segment.


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How to Cite
Hem, B. (2022). The Role of Distributed Leadership on Knowledge Sharing and Organizational Learning in Higher Education Institutions of Cambodia. AU-GSB E-JOURNAL, 15(2), 105-114.
Author Biography

Bonarin Hem

Director, LSi Business School, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.


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