Determinants of Intention to Use DevOps in Cambodia’s Technology Industry

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Soksophay LIM
Somsit Duang-Ek-Anong


This research investigates the key determinants that impact the intention of developers to use DevOps practice in technology industry, mainly software development, within Phnom Penh, Cambodia. The study was carried out using a quantitative research method to survey 472 software developers, tech entrepreneurs, DevOps practitioners, software project team members, and IT leaders familiar with DevOps practice. The respondents came from software development, technology startup, telecom, internet service providers, financial service institution, technology consulting, and system integrators. The survey employed non-probability sampling method – judgmental, snowball, and convenience sampling. Online Google form was used in the survey from the period January to June 2021. Also, confirmatory factor analysis and structure equation model were used to validate and identify the relationship and the impact of various factors on the intention to use DevOps. Organizational usefulness, personal awareness, and perceived compatibility have significant direct impacts on the intention to use DevOps software development methodology by developers and practitioners. Also, subjective norm and perceived behavioral control internal have the indirect impact on the Intention through organizational usefulness. Moreover, perceived number of users impacts significantly on the perceived availability of complementary services; both indirectly impact the intention to use DevOps through perceived compatibility. Whereas, perceived cost and perceived pisk are not found to have significant impact on intention to use DevOps by the developers.


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LIM, S., & Duang-Ek-Anong, S. . (2021). Determinants of Intention to Use DevOps in Cambodia’s Technology Industry. AU-GSB E-JOURNAL, 14(2), 27-39.


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