The Impact of E-Commerce on Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Quantitative Analysis in Thailand
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The aim of this study is to identify the impact of e-commerce on customer satisfaction and customer loyalty among online shopping platforms in Thailand during the COVID-19 pandemic. This study analyzes user interface quality, information quality and perceived privacy as factors influencing customer satisfaction and loyalty. The samples (400 respondents) were collected from an online questionnaire by using snowball sampling, convenience sampling as well as stratified random sampling. After gathering the data, it was analyzed by using simple and multiple linear regression in order to confirm and show the significance of the hypotheses. For data analysis, Multiple and Simple Linear Regression analysis methods were applied as well as a Five-Point Likert scale method. This study found that user interface quality, information quality and perceived security have a significant, positive impact on customer satisfaction and loyalty. This study further suggests that in order to gain the loyalty of online customers, the online shopping platforms should focus on other factors e.g., trust, which influence customer satisfaction. Achieving these goals are highly likely to ensure customer loyalty. The limitations of this research paper are that it is specifically focused on Thailand and consumers living in Thailand. Therefore, the findings that result from this research might not apply to other countries around the world and will only represent the situation in Thailand.
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