Exploring the Effect of Flipped Classroom on Translation, Storytelling, and Knowledge of Culture

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Patrisius Istiarto Djiwandono
Daniel Ginting


Flipped classroom has been a recurring topic of many educational research. Only a few studies investigated the ramifications of flipped classroom for teaching several subjects in high school. This research set out to find answers to two research objectives, namely : (1) whether there is any difference between the ability of the learners before the flipped learning and after the flipped learning in translation, storytelling, and knowledge of local culture; (2) whether there is any difference between the ability of the learners who learn the three skills only from their teacher (the control group) and the ability of the learners who learn from videos and then receive extra teaching from their teacher and the ability of the learners who learn from videos only without any extra guidance from their teacher. Results showed that two of the groups, the one taught directly by the teacher and the one learning directly from the videos at homes, made gains only in translation. The control group outperformed the other two groups in translation and knowledge of local culture. Some possible causes of the results include lack of students’ and teachers’ preparedness, teaching qualities, immersion to their own culture, and some demographic factors.

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Research articles


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