The Convergence of the COVID-19 Pandemic and EFL Writing Pedagogy: The Paradigm Shift
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In the academic context in the COVID-19 era, learning, once traditionally taking place in the classroom, has been changed to be driven online. This happens in all fields of study, including the writing pedagogy. Even in the post-pandemic, its influence can still be witnessed in forms of online or digital learning via various communication platforms such as ZOOM or Webex Meetings. However, though this phenomenon sparks a surprising educational transformation as being discussed in diverse articles across different disciplines, its silver linings, positively affecting writing pedagogy, specifically in the EFL writing instruction context, can be recognized though they come with great challenges as being reviewed. To be aware of these issues, this academic article aims to raise this topic as a paradigm shift of EFL writing pedagogy, particularly in higher education by virtue of the COVID-19 pandemic. In so doing, the novel EFL writing pedagogy frameworks, its new feedback regime, and its triangular dimensions are introduced and discussed for long-term practical pedagogical implications, especially after the pandemic legend in the digital era.
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