A Study on Chinese Tourists' Perception of Violence and Crime Risk in Thailand


  • xinyan Li lxysmail@foxmail.com
  • Adarsh Batra


Thailand travel, Crime and Violence Risk, Chinese Tourist


Historically, China has consistently ranked among the top sources of international tourism population in Thailand. In early 2023, the Chinese government formulated new policies for personal and organized travel. After three years of silence, Chinese people are finally able to return to the Thai tourism market. Chinese tourists need to return to a safe Thailand because Thailand is a popular tourist destination for Chinese tourists. As a result, increased Chinese tourism activity will greatly help Thailand's tourism industry and economy. To explore the views of Chinese tourists on Thailand's security issues after the COVID-19 pandemic, the objective of this study is to examine the considerations of personal safety and risk among Chinese tourists when selecting international travel destinations. Additionally, it aims to analyze the factors that contribute to Chinese tourists' concerns regarding the risks of crime and violence specifically in Thailand. Furthermore, the study seeks to explore potential strategies and measures to enhance the safety and protection of Chinese tourists while in Thailand. From February 24th, 2023, to March 9th, 2023, this study interviewed tourism industry practitioners and Chinese tourists. Findings from this study add specific detail to the currently limited information about on-site experiences, particularly the Chinese views of safety aspects in Thailand. The respondents discussed in detail the awareness of Chinese tourists about the risks of crime and violence in Thailand and proposed measures they believe can better protect the safety of Chinese tourists in Thailand. Although many factors make Chinese tourists worried about the risk of violence and crime in Thailand, they still believe that Thailand is a relatively safe tourist destination.


Keywords: Thailand travel, Crime and Violence Risk, Chinese Tourist


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How to Cite

Li, xinyan, & Batra, A. (2023). A Study on Chinese Tourists’ Perception of Violence and Crime Risk in Thailand . AU-HIU International Multidisciplinary Journal, 3(2), 49-57. Retrieved from http://www.assumptionjournal.au.edu/index.php/auhiu/article/view/7450