Quality of Management and Digital Learning Platform in Higher Educational Institution During COVID-19

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Siriwan Kitcharoen


The outbreak of COVID-19 raised significant disruption across many industries, including education, forcing organizations to modify their operations in order to stay in business. Technology has become an important tool and the rise of digital learning platforms has brought new perspectives to a range of companies. Education institutes have been forced to implement a wide range of digital platforms in order to support their learners, teachers, educators, and other staff members.

The objective of this study was to help higher educational institutions to maintain their competitive advantages during the crisis by improving understanding of the incentives and barriers in relation to employing the most cost-effective approaches to providing a quality service and quality education for all learners during the pandemic. The findings reveal that the dimensions of information, system, and service quality, were found to be significant predictors of varied levels of user satisfaction. This means that overall quality management has a significant impact on user satisfaction. Analysis and implications of the findings are discussed. 

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