Modeling Online Shopping Behaviour During COVID-19 Using the TOE Framework
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This Case Study explores the utilization of an online ordering platform run by Muller & Phipps Pakistan (M&P) during the COVID-19 lockdown. The company experienced a massive increase in online orders during the lockdown. The study explores the impact that organizational readiness (ORD), data and payment security (DPS), user satisfaction (USAT), user friendliness (UFR), and competition (COMP), have on the utilization of the online platform (UTIL). As in many other countries, the COVID-19 lockdown brought businesses in Pakistan to a complete halt, thereby putting pressure on people to resort to online purchases. Consequently, the app developed by M&P was widely used during the lockdown. This case study aims to determine the satisfaction levels of people who opted for online ordering. Data were obtained from an online survey delivered to customers who used the online ordering platform of M&P, and was used to determine their satisfaction levels. The study adopted the Technology-Organisation-Environment (TOE) framework to assess the impact of organizational readiness (ORD), data and payment security (DPS), user satisfaction (USAT), user friendliness (UFR), and competition (COMP), on utilization of the online store (UTIL). It was observed that technological factors played the most significant role in the utilization of online shopping. User satisfaction, data and payment security, and user-friendliness were found to be the most important technological factors affecting satisfaction levels.
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