The Mechanisms of Tourism Management in Achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGS): The Case of Phulomlo and Connected Areas, Thailand
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Sustainable tourism has been a mainstream issue of concern, with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development released in 2015. This agenda acknowledged 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that contain a blueprint of urgent action for peace and prosperity for the people and the planet. This paper focuses on the mechanisms of tourism management that work toward achieving the SDGs. There are two mechanisms, a supportive mechanism and an operational mechanism, that address the question of how to achieve the SDGs by employing tourism as a tool, the Phulomlo of Thailand was selected as a case study. Data were collected from local stakeholders through semi-structured interviews, focus group discussions, and documentation. The results show that there is a concrete operational mechanism
at the local level. However, to attain growth toward sustainability, more thorough promotion of supportive mechanisms should be considered, with a more explicit strategy to facilitate improvement in achieving the SDGs in all areas connected to Phulomlo.
Suggestions to enhance the achievement of SDGs in the case of Phulomlo and the connected areas are proposed, as it is important to formulate a practical strategy to accomplish the SDGs via the local network. Furthermore, additional features comprising of consistency in practice, coherence of policies at the national and local level, and collaboration among tourism stakeholders should also be considered.
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