Influence of Designs Following Green Assessment Criteria On Decision to Buy Houses in Housing Projects: Thailand’s Ecovillage

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Chakorn Suttiwongpan
Kongkoon Tochaiwat
Sittichai Naksuksakul


This study aimed to investigate the influence of Ecovillage design concept on the decisions to buy houses in housing projects. This work used a quantitative method in which data were collected from 813 samples in Bangkok Metropolitan area from March to May 2016 using quota sampling technique. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. The study broadly found that certain distinct criteria influenced consumers’ decision to buy a house. Most of the respondents considered the infrastructure in the area as the main factor affecting their decision such that electricity, paved roads and water supply system should be readily available. As to the village layout, most of the respondents considered the accessibility of a market, convenience stores and other stores within the area to affect their decisions.  However, the study interestingly found that energy and environment conservation factors also influence consumers’ buying decisions for each housing type and price level. All site selection factors and some site design factors such as the marketplace and sports or recreation area have high or highest influence on consumers’ decision to buy a house in all segments while some factors have high or highest influence on the majority of house segments such as the bike lane, wide footpath, fishbone road network and U-turn roundabout, air-flow type fence, environmentally-friendly material used, universal design, garbage management, and natural disaster prevention. These findings can be used as a guideline in designing housing projects to satisfy consumers’ needs.

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