Effects of Risk-Taking Propensity and Psychological Capital on Entrepreneurial Intention: The Mediating Role of Attitude Towards Entrepreneurship in The Southern of Thailand


  • Pimpika Poolsawat Prince of Songkla University


This study investigates the effects of risk-taking propensity and psychological capital on entrepreneurial intention, while also addressing the recent call for research on the mediating role of attitude towards entrepreneurship. A total sample of 412 business students enrolled in Southern-Thai universities was analysed using structural equation modelling. The results show that attitude towards entrepreneurship plays a significant and positive mediating role in the relationships of risk-taking propensity, and psychological capital, with entrepreneurial intentions. Furthermore, psychological capital and risk-taking propensity have a positive and significant direct effect on entrepreneurial intentions. This study thus confirms that attitude towards entrepreneurship is a key mediating variable between psychological factors and entrepreneurial intentions. Furthermore, the findings prove that the roles of psychological factors are as important as that of attitude towards entrepreneurship. Specifically, psychological capital and risk-taking propensity, motivate and drive the probability of starting a business after graduation, for the analysed sample.


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