Society Attitudes and Intentions to Use Products in Sharia Bank of Aceh: The Role of Religiosity and Social Influence
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The conversion of Aceh Bank from a conventional bank to Sharia Aceh Bank is expected to form a positive attitude in the society, associated with the concept of the Theory of Planned Behavior. This change in attitude is also influenced by the relative importance of behavioral beliefs. Beliefs regarding the benefits of using Sharia banks can be influenced by religiosity and social influence. Religiosity is an integrated system of beliefs, lifestyles, ritual activities, and institutions, that give meaning to human life. Therefore, this study explores the influence of religiosity and social influence on the attitudes and intentions towards using Sharia Aceh Bank products. Data were randomly obtained from 240 respondents in Aceh Singkil Regency through an online questionnaire shared directly with respondents. The data were analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) and SmartPLS. The analysis of the results showed that religiosity and social influence affect the attitudes and intentions to use Sharia Aceh Bank products. The contribution of the religiosity and social influence variables on attitude and intentions were 0.358 (35.58%) and 0.653 (65.3%) respectively.
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