A Note from the Editor

                                                        May 23, 2016

 Dear Readers,

 It is truly an honor and a memorable experience for the ABAC Journal to publish this special issue in conjunction with the National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT) in the month of April 2016. Please note that as we decided to wait for a DOI acquisition which was kindly processed by the NRCT, so here we are uploading this issue on our regular website in May. We do not, however, consider ourselves off schedule since this joint AU-NRTC special issue was already uploaded online on the NRCT website in April 2016 (see http://e-journal.nrct.go.th/ )

 On this auspicious occasion, the ABAC Journal comes with a slight alteration form from our normal issues. As some readers might have noticed, one of the differences is the color of ABAC Journal front cover which is usually in red but now appears in orange. This is to uniformly signify the NRCT color coding of the business management theme of Social Science Asia journals by NRCT- joint publications.

 Secondly, in the spirit of keeping the ABAC Journal in a similar format with other NRCT- affiliated journals, we have withheld a ‘Foreword’ from the editor as we normally have in our regular issues.

 Besides the above mentioned small changes, this issue certainly contains interesting information awaiting your exploration.

 My deep gratitude is extended to the NRCT, our special-issue advisory board, our editorial board, all the reviewers, and, most especially, the contributors. My heartfelt thank you to both our strong editorial team, and of course our faithful readers.  Again, kindly let us know your thoughts about this special issue.


Absorn Meesing

ABAC Journal editor

Assumption University of Thailand