To facilitate citations of your work published in the ABAC Journal, which, as you might be well aware, is good for all parties including our readers, authors, and the Journal, we are pleased to make this announcement:

(1) Please be informed that we are now using DOI (Digital Object Identifier) for citing an article, with a DOI number being used in place of traditional page-number citations. Citing by DOI numbering is fast, simple and efficient, having been well received by increasing SSCI and SCOPUS journals.

With thanks to TCI for their initiative and financial support, we are now using DOI numbering via Crossref, which is purposefully designed for journals.

The following are examples of article numbering by DOI via Crossref:

(2) Along this line, the ABAC journal has switched from APA 6th edition to APA 7th edition for in-text citation and referencing. Thus, from now on, please submit your manuscript in APA 7th ed. If you have already submitted in APA 6th edition, you are required to resubmit in APA 7th edition. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

(3) Please kindly note that by using DOI and APA 7th, you do not need page numbers for citations. As we post your work online, your work without page numbers is ready for uploading, indicated by: (in press). The current issue is in press but contains articles that are final and fully citable. Thus, no need to wait and inquire for page numbers for your work.

(4) When you publish reference lists for your content, you must include the relevant DOIs of the cited articles (if they are available).

(5) We advise you to visit our journal website regularly for advanced posting of upcoming future articles in future issues. Meanwhile authors are advised to read the author guidelines prior to making a submission.

Thank you for your attention and cooperation. Please do not hesitate to contact us at should you have any questions, or require any information or clarification.

                                                                THANK YOU