Posted on 2015-09-2929 September 2015
Dear Readers,
Before we realize it, it will be time to celebrate Christmas and the New Year, which essentially means it is about time to ask ourselves: what have we achieved this year? And, what’s next?
When we consider those questions in terms of the ABAC Journal, it is my pleasure to inform you of two pieces of good news. One is that the ABAC Journal is now approved by TCI (Thailand Citation Index) on the ASEAN Citation Index or ACI—which was our goal as I informed you in June. What does it mean to be on the ASEAN Citation Index one might ask? Briefly speaking, any journal in the ACI is recognized among all eleven ASEAN member countries. This is timely indeed and I would like to take this opportunity to wholeheartedly invite entries from our neighboring countries. As the ASEAN Community is moving to a new phase of operation in December 2015, our journal can really shine if we are fortunate enough to be able to feature a few ASEAN related papers in the upcoming issues of the ABAC Journal!
Secondly, another piece of good news: the ABAC Journal has been selected by the NRCT – National Research Council of Thailand – to co-publish an issue of the NRCT’s newly launched international- standard social science journal called Social Science ASIA. As I previously informed you, we plan for a special issue in December 2015. This is it. Specifically, this special issue will be a co-sponsored issue by Assumption University’s ABAC Journal and the NRCT. All articles published in this issue will be automatically given a DOI- Digital Object Identifier— an identification system for intellectual property in the digital environment.
As such, we have adjusted our timeline for this special issue. Please be informed that:
The special issue, co-published by the NRCT and AU, titled SOCIAL SCIENCE ASIA, is to be published in January - March 2016. Please read our Call for Papers below.
Our regular issue will be posted online in December 2015 as previously scheduled.
Call for Papers
For a special issue of ABAC Journal: a joint issue of Social Science Asia
Co-sponsored by
Assumption University (ABAC Journal) and the National Research Council of Thailand
Interested researchers and scholars are invited to submit your paper in the areas of:
Business Management, Economics, Hotel Management and Tourism
As these will be the focuses of this special issue
To be considered for publication in this special issue, kindly submit your entry by
November 30, 2015.
As ever, I am grateful to our editor-in-chief, Rev. Bro. Dr. Bancha Saenhiran, the AU Rector, all advisors, our reviewers and editorial board members, as well as our hard working editorial team: my assistant editor—Mr. Aung Kyi Win, and two key linguistic editors—Assistant Professor San Shwe Baw and Mr. Daniel W. Merillat.
Above all, I wish to thanks all of our readers and I look forward to hearing your comments and suggestions.
Dr. Absorn Meesing
Managing Editor of ABAC Journal
Assumption University of Thailand