Review Form
Article Review for ABAC Journal
Article Title:
Please tick x or highlight YELLOW in the box(es).
1. Does the paper make a valuable contribution to the body of current knowledge in terms of:
[] [] [] Theory?
[] [] [] New Data?
[] [] [] Analysis?
[] [] [] Results?
[] [] [] Application of theory to practice?
[] [] [] Summarizing the state of knowledge?
[] [] [] Methodology?
2. Is the paper competently written and presented to a publishable standard?
[] [] [] Are the concepts adequately designed?
[] [] [] Is the style clear and concise?
[] [] [] Is the argument coherent and the paper well integrated?
[] [] [] Are statistics, tables, diagrams clear?
[] [] [] Is it well structured?
[] [] [] Should any part of the paper be cut, re-structured, or developed?
[] [] [] Does the title accurately reflect the contents of the paper?
3. Is the referencing appropriate?
[] [] [] Is adequate credit given to other contributors in the field?
[] [] [] Are there major omissions?
[] [] [] Are the references complete?
4. Recommendation
[] Be accepted without amendments
[] Be accepted subject to minor or major changes (please provide some guidance to the author(s) on what you think is needed)
[] Be returned to the author(s) for major re-work with a recommendation for future re-submission (please provide some guidance to the author(s) on what you think is needed)
[] Be rejected
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Article Title:
Recommendation for Change
Please write some suggestions that the writer should follow. (Note the areas that you think should be revised or improved ……)