School climate; Teachers’ competencies; ThailandAbstract
This study aimed to explore the relationship between teachers’ perceptions of school climate and their competence at Phetthanom School in Bangkok, Thailand.
The objectives of the study were: (1) to identify the teachers’ perceptions towards school climate, (2) to identify the level of teachers’ perceptions towards their competencies, and (3) to determine the relationship between teachers’ perceptions towards school climate and their competencies at Phetthanom School in Bangkok, Thailand. A response rate of 100% was achieved.
This finding showed that teachers’ perceptions of school climate were high at Phetthanom School, and the level of teachers’ perceptions of teachers’ competencies was high at Phetthanom School. Therefore, the hypothesis was accepted as the study discovered a positive relationship between teachers’ perceptions of school climate and their competencies at Phetthanom School in Bangkok, Thailand.
Using frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient, the research found that Pearson correlation r is .655 and Sig. is .001, which is smaller than .05. Pearson correlation r is .655, which means that the relationship between school climate and teachers’ competencies is strongly positive. Therefore, the researcher rejected the null hypothesis and accepted the research hypothesis: “There is a significant relationship between teachers’ perception towards school climate and their teachers’ competencies at Phetthanom School in Bangkok, Thailand.”
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