Determinants to Empowering Community Network: A Case Study of Single Family Network
Empowering, Community, Single-family, NetworkAbstract
This study is a research that has been studied as a single mom in Chiang Mai. By example, five single mom persons. The purpose of this research is to study and understand the birth and the role network of singleparty families occurring in Chiang Mai. The implementation of a single group of groups on various issues and trends in the possibility of networks and contributing factors to sustain the operation. It focuses on the study of the needs single mom and a reduction in gender inequality, by the outcome of the study, pointing out the experience of being branded and getting limited assistance from the government, especially the lack of responsibility father of children. While Chiang Mai tends to increase the number of a single mom. From the statistics of divorce rate increased marriage. Organizations that work concerning a single group of mom groups, such as the “Family Network Foundation” have expanded the scope of assistance. Support a single mom group in Chiang Mai, in the manner of the network in which this research article is written to indicate the birth and the role network of a single party family that occurs in Chiang Mai. The implementation of a single group on various issues and trends in the possibility of the network, as well as factors to support sustainable operations.
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