The Relationship Of Perceived Teacher Effectiveness And Perceived Teacher’s Classroom Use Of Dialects With Motivational Orientation For Learning Chinese Language Of Grade 10 Students In Chinese Language Class At Hengxian High School, Guangxi Province, China
Students’ Motivational Orientation for Learning Chinese Language, Student Perceptions, Teacher Effectiveness, Teacher’s Classroom Use of Dialects, Chinese Language ClassAbstract
The purpose of this study was to identify the relationship of perceived teacher effectiveness, perceived teacher’s classroom use of dialects with motivational orientation for learning Chinese language of Grade 10 students in Chinese language class at Hengxian High School, Guangxi Province, China. In order to accomplish this purpose, a quantitative correlational research design was developed, focusing on 100 Grade 10 students who enrolled Chinese language class at Hengxian High School, Guangxi Province, China, during the academic year 2017-2018. The researcher used descriptive statistics (means and standard deviations) and statistical hypothesis testing (multiple correlation coefficient) to analyze the data. Analysis of the collected data revealed that there was a significant, positive, and moderately strong correlation between perceived teacher effectiveness and motivational orientation for learning Chinese language of Grade 10 students in Chinese language class at Hengxian High School. Also, there was a significant, negative and weak correlation between perceived teacher effectiveness and perceived teacher’s classroom use of dialects for the same group of students. However, their perceptions of teacher’s classroom use of dialects did not have a significant relationship with their perceptions of motivational orientation for learning Chinese language, even though it was significantly, negatively and weakly correlated with their perceptions of teacher effectiveness. The research findings indicate that the level of teacher effectiveness can affect students’ motivational orientation for learning Chinese language in Chinese language class at Hengxian High School. However, teacher’s classroom use of dialects does not significantly affect students’ motivational orientation for learning Chinese language in Chinese language class at Hengxian High School. Based on the research findings, recommendations for students, teachers, administrators and future researchers are provided.References
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