Exploring Impacting Factors of Undergraduate Students' Satisfaction with Online Courses of Adult Higher Education in Chengdu
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Purpose: This study explores the satisfaction of adult higher education undergraduate students with the online course education method in Chengdu. Perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, service quality, information quality, system quality, self-efficacy, and user satisfaction are used to investigate students' satisfaction with online courses. Research design, data, and methodology: The researcher adopts a quantitative exploration approach with 493 samples and distribute the quantitative questionnaire to adult higher education undergraduate students at one university. The sampling approach are judgmental, quota, and convenience sampling. Confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation models are employed to explore the relationship of the variable in the current study. Results: All hypotheses are supported. Perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, service quality, information quality, system quality, and self-efficacy significantly impact user satisfaction. Conclusions: For adult higher education undergraduate students to acknowledge and recognize the effectiveness of online courses, the administrator and teaching staff of continuing education schools in public universities should pay more attention to the factor that has to produce an important effect on the satisfaction of instruction and consider the correlated teaching adjust or reform in future according to the findings of this research.
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