Grade Can Be Classified Effectively with the Measures of Student Satisfaction and Loyalty: A Case of a School in Yunnan, China
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Purpose: The objective of this study was to determine the factors influencing the satisfaction and loyalty of students towards the academic grading system at Huayu Featured School (Main Campus) in Zhaotong City, Yunnan Province, China. The main constructs are student support facilities, campus life and social integration, academic experiences, service quality, student satisfaction, and student loyalty. Research design, data, and methodology: The target population includes 500 students in grades 7 to 9, with consent from their guardians. This study applied a quantitative method, using a questionnaire as a tool. The sampling techniques are judgmental, stratified random, and convenience sampling. The validity and reliability test were conducted by the item-objective congruence (IOC) index and Cronbach alpha through a pilot test (n=50). The main statistical analyses were made through confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and structural equation modeling (SEM). Results: The results show that students' support facilities, campus life and social integration, academic experiences, and service quality significantly influence student satisfaction. Moreover, student satisfaction significantly influences student loyalty. Conclusions: Based on the implications and recommendations, institutions can create a supportive and engaging environment that enhances student satisfaction, fosters loyalty, and contributes to the overall success of students and the institution.
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