Behavioral Intention of Male Students to Use 5G Internet Network to Use Online Education Platforms in Sichuan, China
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Purpose: This study explores the factors influencing male students’ behavioral intention to use 5G internet network to use online education platforms in Sichuan, China. The conceptual framework is based on the relationships between a perceived ease of use, system quality, information quality, service quality, attitude, social influence, perceived usefulness and behavioral intention. Research design, data, and methodology: This study used a questionnaire; the target respondents were 650 male university students from three universities in Sichuan. Results: The results of the study showed that attitude was the strongest predictor of behavioral intention to use, followed by social influence and perceived usefulness. Perceived ease of use was the most significant influence on attitude, so the system's ease of use would increase positive feedback from learners to make learning effective. Conclusions: Therefore, in the process of selecting and using 5G for online education platforms at the University, it is important to try to generate as much interest in learning as possible, to increase the quality of the system, the quality of the service, and the quality of the information, to improve the ease of use and to create a positive experience so that male students will be better able to use the platform system for continuous learning.
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