The Antecedents of Satisfaction and Loyalty of College Students Towards Online Learning in Chengdu, China, during COVID-19
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Purpose: This paper aims to identify the key antecedents of satisfaction and loyalty of college students toward online learning in Chengdu, Sichuan province, China, during the current COVID-19 epidemic. A conceptual framework comprises perceived value, service quality, system quality, perceived usefulness, university reputation, trust, satisfaction, and loyalty. Research design, data, and methodology: This study uses the questionnaire as a survey tool to examine 500 students at Xihua University. The index of Item-Objective Congruence and Cronbach’s Alpha reliability of the pilot test (n=50) was ensured before the data collection. The main statistical tool was applied Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) to produce the data results and analysis. Results: The results show that all hypotheses are supported in this study. Perceived value, service quality, system quality, perceived usefulness, and university reputation significantly impact satisfaction. Trust and satisfaction significantly impact loyalty. Conclusions: Student loyalty is one of the challenges facing the long-term development of online learning. The research’s results are of great value to the developers of online learning systems. The sustainable development of online learning is very important for higher education to diversify its education service and attract prospective students.
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