Factors Impacting on Satisfaction and Behavioral Intention of Social Science Majors Students Toward E-learning: A Case Study of a public university in Sichuan, China
Main Article Content
Purpose: This research aims to examine the factors impacting social science majors’ students’ satisfaction and behavioral Intention to use electronic learning (E-learning) in a public university in Sichuan, China. The conceptual framework identifies the causal relationship between system quality, satisfaction, performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, attitude, and behavioral intention. Research design, data, and methodology: Sample data was collected using the quantitative method and a questionnaire (N=500) as a tool. Item-Objective Congruence and pilot tests were adopted to test the content validity and reliability of the questionnaire before distribution. Data was analyzed by utilizing Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) to validate the model’s goodness of fit and confirm the causal relationship among variables for hypothesis testing. Results: System quality, satisfaction, performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, and attitude significantly impact behavioral intention. Furthermore, performance expectancy has the strongest impact on the behavioral intention of E-learning among social science majors’ students. Conclusions: The creator of the course curriculum, the instructors, and the administration should guarantee the system’s high quality. It is recommended that professors and university administration employ the active learning technique in online lectures to ensure maximum student participation and arouse their interest.
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