Preventive Action and Control Measures Model of Critical Incident Management for COVID-19 Pandemic in University

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Sunthorn Poolpipatana
Taneenart Na Soonthon


Critical incidences in the event of a Coronavirus (Covid-19) outbreak will have a very high impact, the severity on the implementation of an institution/ university core teaching and learning mission in many ways as the temporary closure of schools, adaptation, and modified methods of teaching and learning processes or supplementary activities to differentiate or change to a new practice of new normal. The universities must recognize and realized that if they need to achieve a condition of safety, security, or sustainability for the implementation of the teaching and learning mission, it is possible to continue in the future as well. They must be understood and act to conform to the so-called system of “Critical Incident Management (CIM)”, which seems to be the right solution exactly as the same situation that the universities are facing today. The main purposes of this article need to present the details of the conceptual framework for the appropriate model and main components that are necessary for CIM, by showing relevance as a preventive action and control measures for Covid-19 in the long-term implementation. The universities must set up guidelines for self-control such as the appointment and assignment of authorities to the CIM team and person in charge, considering the cause or sources of the incident, assessment, and evaluation of the main impact to universities, CIM planning, establishing the appropriate control measures and procedures for incident management, continued peer review with communication, and identification the level of Covid-19 incident management success or indicated as the best effectiveness in the next opportunity, respectively.


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How to Cite
Poolpipatana, S., & Na Soonthon, T. . (2022). Preventive Action and Control Measures Model of Critical Incident Management for COVID-19 Pandemic in University. AU-GSB E-JOURNAL, 15(1), 137-151.


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