Establishing a Mindful Leadership Development Pilot Programs to Determine its Effectiveness in Reducing Employee Burnout and Improving Work Performance: A Case Study at Z&A Company, Myanmar
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Purpose: In today’s turbulent world, Organizations are under pressure to perform and adapt to an ever-changing environment, creating stress on the employees, translating to direct and indirect costs to the organization. Among the difficulties the leader of today are facing, those of adaptive challenges are especially difficult. Mindful leadership pointed out that seeing the positive potential of change honestly and assessing a situation and have prospects for the future make people more effective leaders. Mindful leadership skills, mindset and practice are recognized as an effective approach to managing stress, and has benefits of attention, well-being and improve work performance which long been major concerns in organization in Myanmar, in the region and around the world. Power Systems of Zeya and Associated Company Limited (Power Systems of Z&A Company) with 44 employees was selected as a focal company for action research. A total of 16 attributes of the 3 variables: Mindful Leadership, Workplace Burnout and Work Performance had been identified.
Design/Methodology/Approach: This research applied action research method which is comprised of mixed-method approach combining both qualitative and quantitative research design. Action Research Model was employed in conducting this research which focused on studying the impact of ODI on Mindful Leadership Development to reduce Employee workplace Burnout and Improving Work Performance. Quantitative data collection has made used of survey questionnaires and qualitative data was collected through observation method. The respondents were chosen from the employees of Power System Z&A Company.
Findings: This research study was focused on a mindful leadership development pilot program that can aim to reduce the employees’ work burnout level to improve the work performance at Z&A Company. The analyzed data prove that mindful leadership was improved, workplace burnout level was reduced in Post ODI period and they proved that they can handle their stressful and burnout condition. And work performance also improved after ODI. Therefore organization development intervention was significantly impacted on work performance.
Practical Implications: According to this research, the researcher suggested two research titles to Z&A Company for further research consider on “Changing organizational culture’s effectiveness on work burnout and work performance” and “Motivation in work from home life to reduce work burnout and improve work performance”.
Originality/Value: The research contributes the conceptual framework, theoretical framework and action research framework in order meet the objectives of the study as well as contributing the guidelines of the organization for the next level of action plans to overcome the challenges in the uncertainty situation and Covid-19 Pandemic.
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