The Mediating Variable of Self Efficacy in the Participation of Individual Factors in Community Music Activities of Chinese Community Residents
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With the rapid development of China's economy, the process of urbanization is obviously accelerated, and the people's growing living standards are gradually improved. At present, building a harmonious society has become an inevitable requirement of building a well-off society in an all-round way in China, and the premise of building a harmonious society is to vigorously develop social activities and promote harmonious coexistence among people. Music is the most representative of all art and culture. Nowadays, the participation of music related activities is decreasing, and gradually aging. Square dance and opera can be seen everywhere in the community square, without a trace of youthful vigor. Based on 400 questionnaires of urban residents' participation in community music activities, this study uses structural equation model to explore the influence path and mechanism of external factors and self-efficacy on participation in community music activities. The results show that the external factors and self-efficacy of community music activities have a positive impact on the participation of community music activities; Self efficacy plays a mediating rolet.
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