Increasing Employee Motivation and Use of ERP System to Enhance Organizational Performance
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This action research aims to study how to enhance organizational performance level at AAA, an electrical engineering and manufacturing company in Myanmar, which has initiated technology use in the operations by implementing ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system. The current situations were diagnosed by SWOT and STAR analysis and it was found that employee motivation and use of ERP system were required to improve to bring higher organizational performance level. Therefore, appropriate organization development interventions (ODIs) for the independent variables, which are employee motivation and use of ERP system, were designed and conducted to sixty participants of the focal company to meet the organizational expectations. Data was collected qualitatively through participatory and non-participatory observations and semi-structured interviews and quantitatively through surveys at pre and post-ODI stages. The impact of ODIs was analyzed by paired sample t-test, regression analysis, and content analysis and the outcomes indicated that employee motivation and use of ERP system and the level of organizational performance level have improved after ODIs. The results proved that the improvements of the independent variables positively impacted organizational performance. In concluding the research project, the results were reviewed and the author gave recommendations for the further development of the focal company.
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