The Impact of Customer Satisfaction on Customer Loyalty in Chinese E-Commerce Platforms in China
Price fairness, Logistics service, Performance in handling product return, E-service quality, Customer satisfaction, Customer loyaltyAbstract
This research aims to investigate the substantial influence of price fairness, logistics services, and performance in handling product returns, e-service quality, and customer satisfaction on customer loyalty within the context of Chinese e-commerce platforms. Employing both primary and secondary data collection methods, the study analyzes the factors shaping customer loyalty among 390 respondents who made purchases on Chinese e-commerce platforms. Drawing upon insights from four established theoretical frameworks in previous studies, a new conceptual framework is devised for this research. The findings indicate that logistics services play a crucial role in enhancing customer satisfaction, underscoring their significant impact. Moreover, price fairness and effectiveness in handling product returns are identified as contributors to positive customer satisfaction. Importantly, customer satisfaction emerges as a pivotal factor influencing customer loyalty. However, it is essential to acknowledge the study's limitations, as it exclusively targets Chinese domestic online consumers. Consequently, the generalizability of the findings may be constrained when applied to diverse cultural backgrounds or international consumers. This research contributes to the field by spotlighting the key factors that shape customer loyalty within the unique landscape of Chinese domestic e-commerce platforms. By examining these factors, the study provides valuable insights for businesses seeking to enhance customer loyalty in the dynamic and competitive Chinese e-commerce market.
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