Is Sorry Enough? The Role of Brand Recovery in Brand Forgiveness and Re-engagement after a Brand Hate Incident: The Case Study of Dolce & Gabbana
Brand hate, Brand recovery, Brand forgiveness, Brand re-engagement, Repurchase intentionAbstract
This study aims to explore how brand hate, brand recovery, brand forgiveness, repurchase intention, and brand re-engagement interact and influence each other in the context of the Dolce & Gabbana brand hate crisis. The objectives of this research were to elucidate the significant influence of brand hate on brand recovery within the context of Dolce & Gabbana. To delineate the significant influence of brand recovery on brand forgiveness within the case study of Dolce & Gabbana. To expound upon the significant influence of brand forgiveness on repurchase intention as observed in the case of Dolce & Gabbana. To clarify the significant influence of brand forgiveness on brand re-engagement within the context of Dolce & Gabbana. The data was collected from 390 Chinese luxury product consumers residing in China via online questionnaires. The data analysis employed descriptive data analysis techniques to summarize the characteristics of the variables and inferential analysis techniques to test the hypothesis using simple linear regression. The findings of this study indicate that brand hate negatively affects brand recovery, and brand recovery positively influences brand forgiveness. Moreover, brand forgiveness has a significant positive effect on repurchase intention. Additionally, there is a significant positive relationship between brand forgiveness and brand re-engagement. These results suggest that Brand Recovery is a crucial factor for mitigating Brand Hate and restoring customer trust and engagement.
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