
  • Dr. Li Changhan
  • Lu Zhu
  • Thanawan Phongsatha


The purpose of this study was to identify the factors influencing Changsha residents' purchase intention through TikTok short video platform. The variables used in this research framework including trust, perceived media richness, perceived price fairness, perceived convenience, and perceived host interaction. Purposive sampling technique was employed to recruit 200 respondents in Changsha City to participate in the study. The Multiple Linear Regression analysis was implemented as the statistical analysis. The results revealed that Perceived Media Richness was the most influent factor affecting consumers' shopping through TikTok short video platform for consumers in Changsha District. As a result, it was evident that the online store owners whose marketing their products via TikTok short video platform should emphasis on perceived media richness factor to enhancing consumers’ purchase intention.


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How to Cite

Changhan, D. L. ., Zhu, L., & Phongsatha, T. (2021). FACTORS INFLUENCING CONSUMERS PURCHASE INTENTION THROUGHT TIKTOK OF CHANGSHA, CHINA RESIDENTS. AU EJournal of Interdisciplinary Research (ISSN: 2408-1906), 6(2), 113-124. Retrieved from http://www.assumptionjournal.au.edu/index.php/eJIR/article/view/5571