A Thematic Analysis Study about Remarriage of Elderly Men in Vietnam
Remarriage, Vietnamese elderly, remarried elderly menAbstract
Although the phenomenon of remarriage at the later phase of life is well-researched in Western countries, little is known in Asia, including Vietnam. Vietnamese divorced/widowed senior citizens who wished to remarry/re-partner at their old age usually faced criticism and misinterpretation of their actions due to obsolete social beliefs and bias. To explore experiences and perspectives of Vietnamese male senior citizens throughout their process of remarriage, this qualitative research recruited and interviewed six male participants who remarried at the age of 56 to 70. They came from six different provinces and central cities of Vietnam. Semi-structured interviews were conducted face-to-face and via audio and video calls. Thematic analysis was used to extract emerging themes and subthemes. There were five themes identified, which include motivations for remarriage, expectations for remarriage, obstacles of remarriage, support for remarriage, and marriage registration of Vietnamese elderly men..
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