A Model for the Development of Leadership Characteristics for Taiwanese School Principals
transformational leadership, characteristics, coaching, strategiesAbstract
This research mainly aimed to study Taiwanese principals’ transformational leadership characteristics, compared their transformational leadership according to their age, gender, the education level, the years of experience and propose a transformational leadership characteristics model for developing transformational leaders for schools in the future. Principals from 350 schools in Taiwan received the Survey of Transformational Leadership (STL). The findings showed a significant difference of school principals’ transformational leadership characteristics according to their years of experiences. Principals who have only above 16 years of being a school principal have shown a significant difference of transformational leadership compared with those who have 6-10 years of experience. By using Multiple Regression test, the research found that at significance .05 level, results also indicated the significant multiple correlations were .856 with the multiple coefficient of determination R Square= .732 or 73.2% of school principals’ performance could be explained by the prediction equation from the combined predictors, i.e.: Taiwanese School Principals’ Performances = .372 Integrity + .234 Develops Others + .230 Demonstrates Innovation + .179 Task Delegation + -.066 Expects Excellence + -.041 Sensible Risk + .035 Inspirational Motivation + .025 Encourages Innovation + -004 Supports Others (in standard score form). Based on these findings, the researcher provided discussion and recommendations.References
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