A Comparative Study of Teachers' Perception Towards Principal’s Leadershiip Behavior According to Their Demographics at Pitaka Buddhist Monastic Educational Institute, Shan State, Union of Myanmar
Teachers' Perception, Principal's Leadership Behavior, DemographicsAbstract
This study attempted to demonstrate and compare the teachers’ perception towards principal’s leadership behavior according to their demographic profile at Pitaka Buddhist Monastic Educational Institute (PBMEI). The total participants were 54 monk-teachers involvement and distributed from Buddhist Institute in academic year of 2018. The revised two parts questionnaire were used as a research instrumental tool to meet the research objectives. Questionnaire part one was the demographic profile and the questionnaire part two was path-goal leadership behavior adopted by Indvik (1985). Four styles of path-goal leadership theory such as supportive, directive, participative, achievement-oriented was developed by House (1971) and used as a main theory framework to investigate the principal's leadership behavior. The data analysis used the frequency and percentage, mean and standard deviation, and One-way ANOVA. Regarding to the results found, principal perceived as neutral level of leadership style, neither reward nor intervention consistently related medium to principal behavior by teachers' perspective. Thus, this study confirmed that there were no statistically significant differences of teachers’ perception towards principal's leadership behavior according to their demographics profile.References
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