A Path Model of the Effects of Attitudes to the Internet, Depression, Anxiety, Stress, Gender, And Study Time on Internet Addiction and Academic Performance of Undergraduate Students in Kachin Region of Myanmar
Internet Addiction, Academic Performance, Anxiety, Gender, Study TimeAbstract
Internet addiction has become an increasing problem with young people these days. The objectives of this study were to determine the relationship between attitudes toward the internet, depression, anxiety, stress, gender, and study time on internet addiction and academic performance in the second year students of Institute of Education and Maija Yang College in Maija Yang of Kachin Region in Myanmar. In August 2018 113 students completed a self-report survey questionnaire which included the Internet Addiction Test, DASS-21, and the Internet Attitude Scale. Multiple regression analysis was used to predict internet addiction, study time, and academic performance. Results showed that anxiety, gender, and internet attitude were significant predictors of internet addiction. The research did not find any significant predictors of study time. Gender (female) and study time were significant positive predictors of academic performance, while internet addiction was a negative predictor of academic performance (GPA). Although females reported having higher levels of internet addiction, they also had higher GPA. The findings, limitations, recommendations, and conclusion of the study were discussed accordingly.
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