Blended Learning in Teaching Piano Major Students in the Music Department of Hunan Vocational College of Art


  • Liu Yang Graduate School of Business and Advanced Technology Management, Assumption University of Thailand.

DOI: 10.14456/shserj.2023.13
Published: 2023-06-09


Blended Learning Approach, Piano Performance, Perceptions, Technology Acceptance Model


Purpose: The purposes of the research were to 1) explore the effectiveness of the blended learning approach of piano on the performance of the major students in the Music department of Hunan Vocational College of Art and 2) to determine the students' perceptions of the blended learning approach through a questionnaire survey. The participants of this study were 59 students majoring in piano, freshmen and sophomores who were studying with a face-to-face method and Violy application at the Music Department of Hunan Vocational College of Art. The quantitative research design of the quasi-experiment and questionnaire were conducted. The paired sample t-test was applied for hypothesis testing while the descriptive analysis—mean and standard deviation were used to report the samples' perceptions towards blended learning. The results revealed statistically significant differences between the scores of piano performance post-test after Violy had been employed and the pretest. The four piano performances measured-accuracy, technique, musicality, and repertoire difficulty had shown the improvement scores of the students once the Violy application was integrated as a teaching method. In addition, the students exposed to the Violy application expressed positive attitudes toward the usage of the Violy application. Therefore, the Violy application is a proven effective learning tool to improve student piano performance.


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How to Cite

Yang, L. (2023). Blended Learning in Teaching Piano Major Students in the Music Department of Hunan Vocational College of Art. Scholar: Human Sciences, 15(1), 123-131.