Determinants of Behavioral Intention to Use Hybrid Education Among Painting Students in Public Universities in Chengdu, China


  • Haifeng Xie
  • Ming Yang
  • Jingying Huang
  • Thanatchaporn Jaruwanakul

DOI: 10.14456/shserj.2023.2
Published: 2023-06-09


Hybrid Education, Performance Expectancy, Social Influence, Facilitating conditions, Behavioral Intention


Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examining determinants of behavioral intention to use hybrid education among undergraduate students, majoring in painting at three public universities in Chengdu, China. Key variables are perceived ease of use (PEOU), perceived usefulness (PU), perceived satisfaction (PS), social influence (SI), performance expectancy (PE), facilitating conditions (FC), and behavioral intention (BI). Research design, data, and methods: The researchers used quantitative method by distributing questionnaire to 500 participants via offline and online channels. The sampling techniques involve judgmental, quota and convenience samplings. The content validity was approved by three experts, applying Item Objective Congruence (IOC) Index. All constructs were reserved by Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient values by pilot testing of 30 participants. Afterwards, Confirmatory Factor analysis (CFA) and Structural Equation Model (SEM) were executed in the data analysis, including goodness-of-fit, validities, and reliabilities. Results: All latent variables had a significant influence on behavioral intention. In addition, perceived ease of use had the strongest significant influence on perceived usefulness. Conclusion: Future researchers are recommended to extend the research model in considering to more variables in technology adoption theories in different region. Universities could improve hybrid education system to uplift students' engagement and learning performance.

Author Biographies

Haifeng Xie

Department of Painting, School of Fine Arts and Design, China and ASEAN College of Arts, Chengdu University, Sichuan, China.

Ming Yang

Department of Animation, School of Film Television and Animation, Chengdu University.

Jingying Huang

Recruitment and Employment Department, Sichuan University of Arts and Science, China.

Thanatchaporn Jaruwanakul

Associate Director, Strategic Policy Development, True Corporation Public Company Limited.


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How to Cite

Xie, H., Yang, M., Huang, J., & Jaruwanakul, T. (2023). Determinants of Behavioral Intention to Use Hybrid Education Among Painting Students in Public Universities in Chengdu, China. Scholar: Human Sciences, 15(1), 11-19.