Teachers perception; Teachers Implementations; Motivation; Motivational Strategies; Young LearnersAbstract
This study was to determine the teacher’s perceptions and frequency of implements on the use of motivational strategies in English language instruction for primary children in Hezhang Country Secondary School in China. There were two research objectives in this thesis:
1.To identify the level of the teachers’ perceptions on the use of motivational strategies in English language instruction according to the ten strategy clusters.
2.To identify the frequency of the teachers’ implementations on the use of motivational strategies in English language instruction according the ten strategy clusters.
There were 61 primary English teachers at Hezhang country Secondary Primary School, Guizhou, China participated in this study. The research instruments used questionnaire and structured interview form.
The findings showed that (1) the level of the teachers perceptions on the use of motivational strategies in English language instruction according to the ten strategy clusters was high and (2) the frequency of the teachers implementations was also high. All findings were supported by interview form.
It indicated that teachers most think that the use of the motivational strategies in English language instruction were important and they mostly implement them in the English teaching. This research study has offered useful suggestions and recommendations on the motivational strategies for this school.
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