Investigating learners’ English reading and writing skill enhancement using a framework of strengthening Ideal L2 Self for Vietnamese English-majored undergraduates


  • Dao Thi Thuy Nguyen An Giang University - Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam


This study investigates the degree to which the first-year English-majored students’ reading and writing skills were enhanced and how they perceived their skill enhancement after the treatment of the Visionary Motivational Process (VMP) was integrated into the existing course of reading and writing at a university in Vietnam. Employing the theory of L2 Motivational Self System (L2 MSS) (Dörnyei, 2009) accompanied with the workable visionary enhancement activities (Hadfield and Dörnyei, 2013) in building up and developing students’ Ideal L2 self, this paper’s primary purposes comprise enhancing students’ language skills as regards reading and writing skills and exploring their perceptions towards the skill development through the intervention of the VMP. With the mixed methods used, the quantitative data (pre/post-test), and the qualitative data (learner diary) both revealed students’ reading and writing skills were significantly enhanced after the VMP, and notably, students’ perceptions towards the skill enhancement were recorded positively and mainly focused on ‘learning satisfaction’ in their learning and ‘motivational value’ of the VMP lesson plan.


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How to Cite

Nguyen, D. T. T. (2021). Investigating learners’ English reading and writing skill enhancement using a framework of strengthening Ideal L2 Self for Vietnamese English-majored undergraduates. Scholar: Human Sciences, 13(2), 211. Retrieved from