A Study of the Relationship Between Teachers’ Perceptions Towards Job Satisfaction and Their Professional Development at Wattana Wittaya Academy, Bangkok, Thailand


  • Sirikunya Thani Assumption University


Job Satisfaction, Professional Development, Teachers’ Perception, Motivation Hygiene Theory


This study investigated the relationship between teachers’ perceptions towards job satisfaction and their professional development at Wattana Wittya Academy in Bangkok, Thailand. The research was undertaken to identify full-time teacher’s perceptions at Wattana Wittaya Academy in the academic year of 2019. For data collection, questionnaires were distributed to 100 full-time teachers. This study focused on three objectives : (1) to identify the level of teachers’ perceptions towards professional development, (2) to identify the level of teachers’ job satisfaction, and (3) to determine the significant relationship between teachers’ perceptions towards job satisfaction and their professional development at Wattana Wittaya Academy. The study was based on Guskey’s (2003) Theory of Professional Development and Herzberg’s (1959) Motivation-Hygiene Theory. The collected data were analyzed by using the mean, standard deviations and Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient. The results confirmed that the overall job satisfaction is positive correlated with teachers’ perceptions of their professional development. The research findings between teachers’ perceptions towards job satisfaction and professional development resulted in a high level, the r value was .884 with a significance value of .000 according to the Pearson Correlation Coefficient.


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How to Cite

Thani, S. (2021). A Study of the Relationship Between Teachers’ Perceptions Towards Job Satisfaction and Their Professional Development at Wattana Wittaya Academy, Bangkok, Thailand. Scholar: Human Sciences, 13(2), 110. Retrieved from http://www.assumptionjournal.au.edu/index.php/Scholar/article/view/4692