A Comparative Study of Students' Expected Andactual Perception Towards Services Quality at Jilin Huaqiao University of Foreign Languages, China
This research attempted to study the student’ expected and actual perception towards the service quality of Jilin Huaqiao University of Foreign Languages by using SERVQUAL model. A total of 120 questionnaires were distributed to second year students who are studying in the full- time program at Jilin Huaqiao University of Foreign Languages. Then 120 questionnaires were valid and used for data analysis using Descriptive Statistics (Agreement and Percentage, Mean and Standard Deviation) and Paired-sample t-test. The questionnaire in this research was adapted from the study A study of Parents’, Perceptions and Satisfactions of Top Ten Known Centers in Bangkok by Saowaluck Ngamdustsadeepirom,(2004).The findings of this study showed that there was a significant difference between students’ expected and actual perception towards service quality at Jilin Huaqiao University of Foreign Languages,China. The actual perception was higher than the expected perception.